

Commercial Real Estate, Interior Design, Mobile Apps


The Communications & Marketing department

The Communications & Marketing department is responsible for creating content and spread information to raise awareness of Commune's activities, and more generally, to educate people about the key issues surrounding single parenthood and coliving, which have been ignored for too long.

The Marketing department at Commune means bringing to life a solution that meets needs that have long been ignored: it means shaping a reality where single-parent families get the support and fulfilment they need.

Ons Fendri, Ons Fendri - Apprentice in Marketing & Comminucations

The Design & Build department

The Design & Build department is responsible for the design and construction of the residences, from the architectural and spatial analyses through the opening to the public and supervision of the works. The department is also responsible for ensuring that the DNA of Commune is respected in each of the sites we invest in, to meet the needs of parents and children while preserving our identity: unique and fun!

The Tech department

The Tech department is responsible for creating and developing tools to optimise our processes and enable us to scale our operations under the best possible conditions. In particular, the Tech department is in charge of developing Commune’s app, which is the main interface for the colivers between them as well as with the company.

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