FinTech / InsurTech, Health, Mobile Apps


Of Beninese origin, Bola Bardet is part of the African diaspora. She is the founder and CEO of Susu, a start-up offering a digital health service enabling this diaspora to offer the best quality of care to their relatives based in their country of origin. Susu is a leading social enterprise dedicated to improving the quality of life of Africans through innovative healthcare solutions. Prior to joining Susu, Bola had a previous life in finance and consulting. She holds an Executive MBA from HEC in Paris and is a CFA Charterholder (financial analyst diploma). She is also a graduate of the Entrepreneurship program at Babson College in San Francisco and the Innovation and Social Business program at the University of Cape Town. A big tennis fan (especially Raphael Nadal, Vamos 💪), Bola spends her free time (what's left of it 😊 ) at the gym, at the hammam, or on long walks in the forest with her family. Her philosophy of life can be summed up in 4 words: Dare - Resilience - Initiative - Humility.

Sofia Bsikri a intégré l'équipe Susu en 2022 et a permis à l'entreprise d'acquérir une nouvelle expertise dans le développement, la croissance de nos produits. Multitâches, elle fédère autour de ses thématiques l'équipe tech, l'équipe marketing pour mener à bien ses missions.

Laurent Leconte est le co-fondateur de Susu et le CTO. En plus de ses fonctions managériales, il permet à l'entreprise de développer ses outils technologiques : outils internes, applications à destination des clients et bénéficiaires.

Sa minutie est un avantage considérable pour Susu, qui nous permet de saisir de belles opportunités et d'analyser précisément un projet.

Via l'équipe tech, Susu tente de répondre aux problématiques d'accessibilité à la santé sur le continent africain.


How access to quality health care can be made available to the greatest number of people in Africa?

In many African countries, while chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension are exploding, access to health care and health insurance remains limited to a very small part of the population.

For Africans who have settled abroad, as in Europe and the United States, this is a major source of concern for their relatives back home.

Bola Bardet, founder of Susu and herself part of the Beninese diaspora, has been confronted with this difficulty. She therefore decided to create Susu, a digital health platform, by surrounding herself with insurance and health partners in France and Africa.

At the junction between HealthTech and InsurTech, Susu improves the quality of life of African families by facilitating access to the best health care. The African diaspora can now take charge of the health costs of their loved ones back home with peace of mind and ensure that teams on the spot take care of their loved ones on a daily basis.

Susu's DNA is therefore of course digital entrepreneurship, Africa and social impact. Susu is also a young, fun and challenging team!

What they are looking for

SUSU recruits in France and Africa!

They are looking for multiple talents, both in their expertise and their personality, in search of innovative and meaningful projects.

Pragmatic, agile and committed entrepreneurs, their common values are: innovation with a test & learn approach, excellence in the service of our beneficiaries, empathy, fun and multiculturalism.

The team is growing, join them!

Good to know

Susu has the ambition to rapidly open new markets in Africa and international opportunities will not be lacking... Nomads beware!

In Paris, they are at the heart of the startup ecosystem, particularly based at Station F within the INSEAD LaunchPad space.

Their pulse is 6 weeks long, the duration of their sprints and above all the frequency of their international teams' reunions in Paris, for 3 days of workshops, brainstorming... and outings!

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